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Takis Candilis named CEO of Lagardère Entertainment


Archives Lagardère Active

Paris, August 30, 2010

At the close of the General Assembly meeting of Lagardère Entertainment held on Monday, the 23rd August, Didier Quillot, CEO of Lagardère Active, appointed Takis Candilis as CEO of Lagardère Entertainment.

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Valérie Blondeau - + 33 (0)1 41 34 67 16 -

Karine Ruberto - + 33 (0) 1 41 34 95 40

About Lagardère Entertainment
Created in 2008, Lagardère Entertainment is a Lagardère Active company, which includes audiovisual production activities, live entertainment and the management of performers' rights, and is part of the Lagardère Group, France's largest audiovisual production group (TV dramas, series and animation). It includes GMT, DEMD, Maximal, Image & Compagnie, Carson, Angel, Aubes-Telmondis, Léo Vision, Merlin, Electron Libre, Timoon as production companies. Atlantique, Europe Images as distribution companies and Musical Publishing with Editions Musicales François 1er.Lagardère Entertainment is today a major player in artistic content production and management. Its flagship programmes are Julie Lescaut, Joséphine Ange Gardien, C dans l'air, Père et Maire, Clem and Mafiosa.

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