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Lagardère News, which comprises two press titles (Paris Match and Le Journal du Dimanche) and licensing management for the Elle brand, reached 3.2 million readers1 each week and 6.8 million unique visitors2 each month to its digital platforms in 2023.

2023 key figures

Lagardère Radio, which comprises Europe 1, the French music radio networks (Europe 2 and RFM), and advertising sales brokerage, is a major player in the French radio broadcasting market and reached over 5 million listeners every day in 20233.

2023 key figures

Consult the interview with Constance Benqué, Chair of Lagardère News and Chief Executive Officer of Lagardère Radio.

1 Source: ACPM One Next S2 2023.
2 Source: Médiamétrie NetRatings, total Internet audience in France, October 2023, unduplicated audience: Le Journal du Dimanche (B), Paris Match (B); base: 2 years and older.

3 Source: Médiamétrie EAR National, 13 years and older, Monday-Friday, 5:00 a.m.-midnight, Europe 1, Europe 2 and RFM, November-December 2023, cumulative audience.