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HDS Digital launches iPhone version of its digital press sales service


Lagardère Travel Retail

Paris, October 21, 2008

After offering an USB key service to carry one’s magazines library, HDS Digital today provides a new service in mobility, simple and fun, to read magazines, anywhere, anytime.

The use is simple : an SMS is sent to the iPhone of the client at every purchase or everytime a new magazine is available (in case of a subscription, for example). When the client follows the link indicated in the SMS, after being identified, he accesses the magazine, and will be able to browse it, wherever he is.

This copy on iPhone is a free service for users who previously bought or downloaded magazines on their PC or Mac.

Click on the following link to access a demo:

…or join HDS Digital on Facebook to celebrate!


HDS Digital received, on September 23rd, the e-business and technological innovation trophy. This trophy, awarded by players of the French e-business, awards the innovative work accomplished by the company, in creating a new way to use and to develop the magazine business.

Press Contact:

Sébastien Begel : +33 (0)1 41 97 89 68

Sophie Favé : +33 (0)1 41 97 89 62

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