Lagardère Publicité News, the advertising sales house for emblematic brands such as Europe 1, Paris Match, Le Journal du Dimanche, Europe 2, RFM, Ouï FM*, the Maison FG** brands (Radio FG, FG Chic, Maxximum, Dance One), Radio Meuh, Radio Public Santé, Replay News and, more recently, Crooner Radio and Sonos Radio. These brands are firmly anchored in the daily lives of the French, whether in news or entertainment.

Lagardère Publicité News draws on all its business expertise, its innovative media solutions and the power of its brands to create media campaigns aimed at qualified audiences. Thanks to its integrated studio, Lagardère News Story, it also offers tailor-made communication solutions. Lagardère News Story offers radio, print, digital, field and event solutions to meet the specific needs of advertisers, media agencies and consulting firms.

Imaginons Demain.

*Ouï FM: radio in Île-de-France
**Maison FG: digital audio and radio marketing in Île-de-France and Nice.


Division : Corporate and other activities


Marie Renoir-Couteau

Présidente de Lagardère Publicité News / Chair, Lagardère Publicité News