The Editions Grasset were founded in 1907 by Bernard Grasset, then joined the Hachette Group in 1954 and merged with Fasquelle publishing five years later.

This cornerstone of the literary and publishing landscape in France helped reveal many famous and classic authors such as Giraudoux, Maurois, Montherlant, Morand, Proust, among many others.

Today, its great catalogue counts more than 6,500 titles in various genres: French literarture (Beigbeder, Binet, Chalandon, Colombani, Despentes, Faye, Guez, Laferrière, Maalouf, Moix…), foreign literature (Eco,Garcia-Marquez, Stefansson…), essays (Bruckner, Horvilleur…), as well as documents, humanities, children and YA books…

Grasset is considered one of the most prestigious contemporary literary publishing houses.


Division : Lagardère Publishing


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