Promoting diversity

"Prix des Voix d’Afriques. Un prix littéraire pour révéler les nouvelles plumes du roman africain en langue française."

Chief Executive Officer, Éditions JC Lattès

Cultural diversity: an explosion of literary gems

Supporting the diversity of the catalogue is central to my ambitions for Éditions JC Lattès.
The publishing house has for many years been an active supporter of writing from Africa, by means of major authors like Sami Tchak, Henri Lopes, Patrice Nganang, Kangni Alem and even Abdourahman Waberi, Prix Renaudot finalist in 2019 for Pourquoi tu danses quand tu marches ?
To showcase the cultural diversity of our publications even further, we have launched the “Voix d’Afriques” (African Voices) prize in partnership with RFI and the Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris, France). This literary award is intended to support the emergence of new voices from the African continent. The call for stories forms part of the Africa 2020 season, with the winning novel to be published in June 2020 and the winning author received for a residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts.
Reflecting the diversity that surrounds us also guided the creation of the new label, La Grenade, headed by Mahir Guven, winner of the Prix Goncourt first novel award for Grand frère. With around 10 publications per year, La Grenade aims to publish texts that are both explosive and exotic, new voices that seize something powerful of our time and can reconcile demanding readers and those who are put off reading because they do not feel represented by a certain type of current literary production in France. La Grenade will therefore be an explosion of first novels and short stories, thousands of gems from the cultural diversity of France and the French-speaking world.

Key figure

Africa 2020 launch of the Voix d’Afriques award to promote cultural diversity.