LL Network highly active during a time of crisis

The health crisis did not prevent the LL Network from growing in 2020, and on 31 December it still had just over 500 members, one quarter of whom are men, despite the disposal of some of the Group’s operations.
The Group’s internal network for promoting gender balance, launched in 2017, is intended for all employees in France and supports Lagardère’s commitment to various causes relating to women (signing up to the Women’s Empowerment Principles, partnership with Digital Ladies & Allies, commitment to the #StOpE initiative against everyday sexism in the workplace). The LL Network, which also aims to encourage constructive exchanges between business lines, also aims to help to attract and retain talent.
At the time of the first lockdown in spring 2020, the LL Network served as the link between members having to work from home, whom it supported by means of bi-weekly letters providing advice and various information. After the first lockdown, the LL Network also resumed some of its workshops in virtual format, in particular the workshop on speaking while wearing a facemask.
Aware of the impact of the health and social crisis on each of its members, the LL Network also chose to ask them, after the first lockdown, about their experience during the crisis and what they think the post-pandemic world will look like. The results of the survey – which highlighted in particular the growing interest in climate issues and CSR, as well as the desire for better sharing of information and commitment by the company regarding these matters – resulted in the creation of a sustainable development and CSR academy a few months later. This initiative has enabled the LL Network to expand its objectives beyond improving gender balance and helping women into positions of responsibility, in addition to educating employees in CSR.

Launch of the LL Network’s bi-weekly newsletter in spring 2020 during the first lockdown in France.

The LL Network served as the link between its members during lockdown.