A sustainable development and CSR academy for employees

CSR officer, Lagardère group

The LL Network’s internal survey of its members on the post-pandemic world conducted after the first lockdown confirmed the need for employee information and commitment in terms of CSR.
It is in response to this that the LL Network launched a sustainable development and CSR academy with three main objectives:

  • to enhance employees’ knowledge of the major sustainable development and CSR issues (climate, biodiversity, circular economy, diversity, gender balance, etc.);
  • to provide information about the actions taken by the Group and its business divisions to address these issues;
  • to enable employees to make a personal commitment on a day-to-day basis in their job and/or personal life.

Supported by an environment and ecological transition expert, the monthly videoconference sessions generally feature the Group managers in charge day-to-day of the issue being discussed during the session. A number of topics connected with CSR issues specific to Lagardère have been discussed since the academy was launched in October 2020: the social and environmental impact of digital technology, the impact of advertising on ecological transition, environmental responsibility in relation to food and our foodservice operations, and professional equality and combating sexism.
As they are held virtually, the sessions are recorded and available to replay on the Group’s intranet site, making them accessible to all employees.


1. Pensez-vous que la question du sens, et plus globalement les sujets de RSE vont prendre plus d’importance qu’avant :

  • 4% Pas du tout
  • 24% Ni plus ni moins qu’avant
  • 72% Oui tout à fait

72% of respondents to the internal survey conducted by the LL Network think that the issue of meaning and, more generally, CSR issues, will become more important than before.