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Commitment Grants ceremony, November 2016 – Paris (France)



Deputy Director, Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation



Since 2014, the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation has been making Commitment Grants to charities sponsored by Lagardère group employees.

In the third year of the programme, two new features were added: each grant is now worth €10,000 and Lagardère group employees voted online for the winning projects via Enter, the Group’s intranet portal.

The change was very successful because more than 700 employees voted.

Three grants were awarded in 2016. One of them allowed the Proxité charity, supported by a Lagardère Travel Retail employee, to sponsor for the first time students of an “internat de la réussite” state boarding school for disadvantaged children, to help their social and professional integration.

The winning projects allow the Foundation to further its efforts in the fields of culture, sport, diversity, education and medical research. For Lagardère group employees, it allows them to find out more about the areas in which the Foundation works, and to feel more involved.